words to live by

"The funny thing about introverts is once they feel comfortable with you, they can be the funniest, most enjoyable people to be around. It's like a secret they feel comfortable sharing with you. Except the secret is their personality."

"I read like the ink from the book is oxygen and I'm gasping for breath."

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

being a human... what does that mean?

 "Go ahead. Judge me. Just remember to be perfect the rest of your life."- unknown.

Being a human comes with challenges, therefore rule number 11 is "Don't Judge." Each person has their own battles and struggles. The easiest thing to notice is the mistakes others make. However, the first things others notice is your mistakes. Not one person goes through this journey without a stumble, or a fall. That stumble or fall can not define who we are as a person and so we must refuse the temptation to allow the bumps in the road to define others. People constantly change and grow, so approach each day as if you are meeting that person for the first time. Things in the past must not tarnish your view of that person today. I love the quote above because it lays it out plain and simple. We are not perfect. Do not pretend you are, because you will never be. It's okay to mess up, that's what teaches us lessons and gives us experiences we will never forget. Therefore, watching someone else's mistake is like sharing experiences with them. So, don't judge and enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. It kind of explains human nature in a way. Throughout high school and even later in life, people judge you all the time. It sucks. Everybody does it. Some people are blatant about it and some people do it quietly, but what matters is it's done. We don't know what people go through in life. They might have a disorder or serious family issues and all we can see is that they're different than us, so therefore they're weird. I think it is important to take a step back and realize that everyone's journey is difficult and we have to remember to be kind to each person that we meet!
