words to live by

"The funny thing about introverts is once they feel comfortable with you, they can be the funniest, most enjoyable people to be around. It's like a secret they feel comfortable sharing with you. Except the secret is their personality."

"I read like the ink from the book is oxygen and I'm gasping for breath."

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

To Stray From the Path

"Divergent" by Veronica Roth describes a Utopian society where the society splits themselves into different factions based on which value they embody. However, Beatrice is a blend of values, she does not fit easily into any of the molds society has presented to her. This is the point at which every story surrounds itself. An author that paints a picture-perfect society is always prepared to tear apart that same society to expose the imperfections. The Utopian society described by Roth is basically an exaggeration of current society. Society today makes molds of how each person should look, dress, and act. As much as everyone says they want to stand out, most really just want to fit in. Beatrice is divergent because she does not clearly belong to one faction, even though she desperately wished she did. America prides itself on being individuals that do not clearly fit the mold of one group. However, you can see in high school and throughout your life that your identity with one group is important and that feeling of belongingness  is an innate desire among all humans. Beatrice story of being different intrigues readers because while each are unique individuals like Beatrice they also relate to the feeling that fitting in somewhere gives you a specific identity and safety net.

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